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List of iFilm series by episode count: Week 36

Review list of iFilm series by episode count for week 36 and plan your TV time accordingly.

Review the list of iFilm series by episode count for week 36 and plan your TV time accordingly.

With Hamed Mohammadi’s social drama ‘Zaferani’ coming to an end on iFilm, its screening slot has been specified to a crime drama titled ‘Unannounced’.

The new show is set to hit the air every night at 23:00 GMT from September 04.

The playlist for this week will not see any other change until Friday when the popular period drama ‘Parvaneh’ is set to come to an end.

This will pave the way for a new TV series titled ‘As Blue as the Sea’ to join the channel’s playlist from September 10.

Stay tuned every Monday to see iFilm’s playlist by series’ episode count.

